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How Did ADG Get Here

Steve Casbon

Before we proceed into the next chapter in the ADG journey, our Kingdom Impact Fund, I wanted to provide you with a backdrop of our story and how we arrived here. In early 2013, I had the privilege of launching the Marketplace Ambassador Initiative at CBMC (Christian Business Men's Connection), a ministry to the marketplace where I served in a national leadership role for nearly 10 years. Just as the name implies, the Marketplace Ambassador Initiative is designed to encourage Christians in the marketplace to become effective Ambassadors for Christ. This is based on II Corinthians 5:20 which states that, "we are ambassadors for Christ." This is also where Ambassador Development Group derived its name and how we came into existence.

In the spring of 2014, just a few short years after launching this campaign at CBMC, God impressed upon my heart the idea of “Building Kingdom Companies”. Through much prayer, wise counsel, and a tremendous leap of faith, the launching of Ambassador Development Group (ADG) was birthed in the fall of 2015. Since that time we have watched God provide us with an incredibly talented team to carry out the mission, investors to fund our acquisitions, and strategic partners and advocates who have gone the extra mile to assist us. My heart is and I pray will always be about helping others to become the people that God designed them to be. ADG and each of you are all in this journey together and it is our privilege to be able to come alongside each of you with encouragement and stories which we pray will be helpful as you live out the calling in your life.

© 2017 - 2025  Ambassador Development Group

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