At Ambassador Development Group we’ve been asking that question. Honestly, it has really bugged us. We are the kind of people who want to honor our savior Jesus with all areas of life, and our finances don’t get a pass. We believe our jobs should be driven by the light of God’s Word; we want to make an impact for eternity; and we don’t think we need to sacrifice investment performance to do so. So, in order to figure out how to do this we went on a journey. We started with responsible investing, basically filtering out negative funds. But it still left us lacking. It was in essence the 1.0 of our journey—get out the bad companies.

2.0 got us to Impact Investing. As with our faith we wanted to avoid the bad stuff but also do the good things for Christ. In our investing is no different, we wanted to make an impact as well. However, that left us still being okay with environmentally friendly granola bars. Now we are at the 3.0 spot. We want to truly impact lives for Jesus through the avenue of business. What we do is Kingdom Impact Investing. And we think it’s pretty exciting. Make a return and impact in lives. There are a ton do ways to do that. Let us shortly describe how we’ve chosen to start on that huge goal....