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The Secret

Steve Casbon

What is the secret to great leadership? Many have written books on this topic, many MBA programs teach on this. Still, many struggle to get this right.

We believe the foundational element of leadership is learning to truly value and serve people. The book “The Secret - What Great Leaders Know and Do”, by Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller, does an excellent job of providing a framework for developing a culture of coaching and serving others. Throughout the book, you see demonstration of these foundational elements of coaching. The reader also learns about the SERVE model that Chick-Fil-A successfully uses in their leadership development process. At ADG, we have personally observed how this Leadership Coach Training has helped to revolutionize the culture of the entire organization across the United States.

"The Secret" by Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller

God has uniquely gifted each of us with valuable talents, skills, and abilities to bring into the companies and organizations we serve. As leaders, we can choose to either help or hinder an individual from effectively using these God-given gifts. At ADG, we are using this same Leadership Coach Training as a core leadership training tool and using the book “The Secret” to train our leaders and our teams in the aspects of coaching and servant leadership.

Steve Casbon is a Managing Partner at ADG. Click here to read more about Steve's experience and background.

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